Computer Business International, Inc.,
is an on-site or virtual, hands-on
instructor led
Db2 for z/OS
education, training and consulting
with over 30 years of Db2 experience.
Db2 SQL and Application Coding is a 5-day hands-on course, takes the student from an introduction to Db2, through learning SQL, working with SQL interactively and writing static SQL programs. Working with the EXPLAIN statement they will become familiar with tuning techniques used in Db2 for z/OS.
Topics Covered:
Duration: 5 days Hands-on labs
Audience: Lead Application Programmers, Application Programmers, Data Base Designers, Data Base Administrators and Business Analysts that require a working knowledge of SQL and SQL application coding.
Prerequisites: Students should have a working knowledge of TSO/ISPF or be familiar with an SQL Query Tool and a programming language.
Objectives: Students will write SQL statements, run SQL statements interactively, write SQL application programs, prepare programs and execute them and work with the EXPLAIN to evaluate SQL performance.